Everything requires a system.

Think about the things in your life, think of the level of detail that makes your life easy.

What happens when there’s a power cut?

What happens when the shops are shut?

How would life be without the convenience of travel?

To go to the toilet and be gone with mess?

The system for water?

(Wouldn’t life be a ball ache with all of that privilege? (maybe it wouldn’t if we were none the wiser)

But we are not, because we live in a modern world, and a modern world with convenience brings that new devil to the level.

If that isn’t systemized, we become unhappy, overrun, overweight, overwhelmed, and in a shadow of the potential of what can be)

Your health, fitness, & well-being is the same.

It needs systemising…

In a way that gives you control and balance, no overwhelm, and a strong Allie to the notion of willpower.

The success of that is built on the quality of your application to the things that give you balance with time, the quality of how that time is spent, and the choices that create momentum (beneficial or none).

We require a system for daily ease, less reliance on willpower, knowledge, resilience yto life’s nut kicks/face slaps, and planning, etc…Because if not, we are given what we don’t want.

Anything that is every day, is a significant percentage of your life.

They are the things that get overlooked.

They are the things we must do every day to ensure we are happy, healthy, productive, energetic, confident, high in self-esteem is EVERY DAY.

  • What we eat, when we eat, how we eat.
  • Whether we get movement or not, sat at a desk all day?
  • What we drink, when we drink (soft drinks, excess caffeine, ‘energy’ drinks’).
  • How much sleep we get, what we do before bed, in the morning.
  • Stress reduction techniques.
  • Targeted recovery time.
  • Mindset (positive mental attitude, motives, beliefs, paradigms, goals, systems, planning).
  • How does all of that fit in and around work, family, friends, hobbies?

Thats’ where all of the success is…

A ‘diet’ on top of limiting thoughts, beliefs, no time, no structure, absence of the universal principles will only waste time.

Knowing you must workout, but you have time to train because of being underpaid and overworked won’t get you fit and healthy.

Knowing you should prioritize sleep but are choosing to watch TV to escape thoughts from the situation that isn’t being dealt with will ruin your body clock, create mental fog, and turn you into an underperformer.

It’s a complete lifestyle.

In a step by step manner of building.

When you work on that, without expecting a quantum leap type effect ‘just because you want it and are impatient, you will build the necessary skills, physically/mentally evolve, access easier physical results as a result of a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately live with more control, balance, productivity, and happiness.

Click the pic below and it will take you to the blueprint.



That is your life-changer, building the skills, developing your mindset, learning with feedback, making the re-application better, and being your best version with all dynamics of life, not just for the physical bodily outcomes, they will come as a bi-product of your choices and lifestyle, but in every capacity you can.

If you would like to step up, make life-changing change, reach out, I’m here to help.

I have the system for you 😉


– Coach Paul