The crux is planning.
The actions/skils that make the progress you want with your body and your mind are not at all that complex, they are very simple, and extremely obvious (even if you don’t see it).
How they are applied to time can be undervalued big time.
The seconds make the minutes, the minutes make the hours, the hours make the day, the days make the month, the months make the year, and the years you live ARE YOUR LIFE
The attention to detail with the small things is what gives you the winning edge!
That’s where your tipping point is, it’s your execution of the small things that create fine margins, which in turn, CHANGE YOUR LIFE…
- Self control
- Body transformation
- Mental wellbeing
- Confidence
- Energy
- Vitality
- Clothes you ACTUALLY want to wear.
- Self-esteem
All of that leads to a better version of you that enables you to perform at a higher level.
Better relationships, better personal performance, better professional performance.
When the success of that is linked to your personal care, it brings on new meaning to the value of the small things…
Actually, I’ll say they are not small, because the outcome of their application is life changing.
Don’t underestimate that.
How can you expect to lose that weight, burn the fat, transform your mind, have the energy, vitality, and mindset of the person you want to be whilst letting the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years pass you by?
Procrastination is poison to success, and if that procrastination isn’t identified, you have yourself a lovely little bit of denial with the failure to identify those actions accompanied still with the frustration that the results you want aren’t being met.
Ownership for actions has to be taken in order to take access the higher level.
Another ingredient to this success mix, is the efficiency of your goal setting supported by the learning of the knowledge required to make beneficial choices.
What you do on a daily basis is essentially your results, it’s the agenda that you live towards.
Not the external outcomes, the ‘prize’ so to speak isn’t the real result, it’s who you become to make that happen.
Because, in order to obtain and maintain worthwhile sustainable results healthily, the time when you don’t feel like doing the workouts, when you feel weak and want to eat shit…it still has to be done, and THAT’S the moment where you build your character.
That strength of character beats any kind of inevitable weight loss that come from a restrictive diet from the process of gluconeogenesis (google it, it’s not a great way to loose weight).
Make the boundaries, set the standard, do the learning, make the actions, keep the consistency, do it when you feel like shit, don’t let people/circumstances impact your choices, value the small things, drop the shitty excuses, expect that you will arrive, and don’t forget to use failure for feedback with compassion.
Easy as that ay?
It is with patience, focus, and planning.
Without those things?
It’s just hoping or wishing.
Without taking that path?
It’s a fad or gimmick, which will have you in the same place in a year from now.
Go and win.
– Coach Paul