There are of course many crucial elements to an efficient, healthy, sustainable health and fitness self care plan.

Most  fundamental of all though, the relationship with yourself inside that wonderful mind of yours is…and is always the most important of all.

That’s where the projection of your direction is housed, the perceptions of looking at challenges to overcome adversity, consistency, persistence and of course, the notion to new learnings.

The light in which we look at things creates a vibration with the adherence to the thing we desire, or contrary to that, the thing we do not desire. Regardless, we get what we focus on. So we may as well focus on the thing we want right?

Of course, in achievement, there is a journey, transition and growth…and with this particular journey of you health and fitness, it’s a continuous journey until the day we perish. ‘Tis not simply a destination.

Would anybody choose to have a lack of energy, low self-esteem, to feel uncomfortable and have a higher risk of disease?

How do so many people find themselves in that very scenario?

Simply put, it’s down to the direction of thoughts in relation to knowledge, goal setting, knowhow and the ability to keep the distance to a minimum between ‘blips’.

Don’t let obstacles define you by halting your progress and harming your self care plan.

Use them to project yourself forwards, with goal setting and consistency.

There’s your key, setting those goals.