Is your comfort zone really your comfort zone?

Or is it the zone of procrastination?

Do you want to procrastinate when it comes to taking charge of your health and fitness?

It’s easy to subconsciously condition to something, even if that something is self-sabotage, especially when the fitness industry is a minefield of fads, money making sharks and in-congruent personnel.

Many people procrastinate because of confusion, not knowing and/or to conditioning to some lousy thought processes that do not serve them in any way shape or form…and that’s called the COMFORT ZONE??

Nnnnnnooooooooooooo, more like the danger zone.

The true comfort zone comes with a happy mind, a confident one, a healthy weight management, a physically strengthened body (across all modes of fitness), no joint pain, a lowered risk of disease, disease free, energy to hit the day….you know, healthy.

What does your narrative say? And does this match up to the way you want to live?

It all starts with health.