Last week’s vlog highlighted 3 key mental steps required for a flat tum tum.

Here’s a summary encase you missed it:

  1. Being receptive to the process of sustainable long-term change– Without that, what you are about to read can’t happen, if that can’t happen, there’s no chance.
  2. Breaking free from the world of commercialism – If not, we will always be hooked to pyramid schemes or yo-yo-ing that overlook the fundamental principle for healthy, achievable results.
  3. Pledging to change our mindset towards this whole process of self-care – We are the outcomes of our thoughts, if we have undesirable results,  that’s a direct reflection on the direction of our thoughts… If we are brave enough to identify that we can make a new path, … Reading what’s below on top of limiting beliefs, low self-value, excuses, and/or reactive thinking is only as good as ‘knowing but not doing’.

There are of course many other steps such as time management, making strong boundaries, goal setting, mantras, why’s, chunking, & schedules, etc.

It’s all of that which makes the following work.

When it comes to wanting a flat belly, the most common identified areas ree that of diet and exercise.

It’s of course a good start, although, those two components are not enough alone.

(They certainly are not enough if they are flawed, over emphasis of cardio, slashing calories too aggressively, not actually monitoring the quality of food, being on and off the wagon etc)

This is a complete project, and the biochemistry of the human body must be served from 5 main systems that elicit a fully functioning healthy body.

This gives us our best platform for healthy body transformation.

The change we all desire.

Healthy hormones, healthy bones, a healthy gut, a healthy circadian rhythm, healthy cells, they all require more than just ‘diet and exercise’.

Below are the 5 main systems that enable a direct physical change, and help produce that flat tum tum.

  • Sleep/Rest/Recovery – How well does your phone work on low a battery and/or without the latest system update…even worse, no wifi of 4/5g? We are the same with sleep. Planning our evening and morning routines has a direct correlation to the success of the other systems and the impact that can have on our mind and body…Everything is so much harder and less effective with poor sleep.
  • Hydration -Hydration is a combination of electrolyte consumption (from whole foods) as well as enough filtered water consumption, Every cellular action in the human body rely’s on the electrical charge of the 6 electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride & phosphate) and enough none contaminated water. Why is this so important, well, we can’t last beyond 3 days without water.
  • Nutrition – This is about learning your best diet, not a ‘diet’. A process that enables us to nourish our bodies with foods that don’t agitate our gut, foods that are responsibly sourced, organic, and fresh…There is no shortcut around this and it’s this system that is the most exploited by commercialism. It’s key to learn how to apply those nutritional principles to our goals, biological values, logistics, readiness, and willingness to change. Making Good Vs. Bad choices isn’t enough, nor good for the psyche towards a well-managed diet. We can’t out-train a bad diet.
  • Exercise -Exercise changes the way our bodies metabolize nutrients, it instigates physical development through an increased metabolism post-exercise, it gives us mental strength as well as many many other benefits, of course though, for a flat belly, there is an exercise system that serves us best, it doesn’t come from doing thousands of crunches, it comes from a well-balanced resistance training regime that targets compound movements as well as elements of CV (especially tempo change), done consistently.
  • Stress Reductions Techniques – The previous 4 combined are the best strategy for reducing stress, boosting self-esteem, and self-pride, although alone, they are not enough. Targeted strategies to help us maintain healthy cortisol levels, adrenaline levels, and a healthy GI tract are key to the achievement of a flat belly.

I must stress though, for these to be optimized and executed for the results we want:

We must be patient in how we learn and how we introduce them into our contextual lifestyle.

Open-minded enough to allow for mistakes, but not so hard on ourselves that those mistakes short circuit our efforts.

(You know what I mean…

‘sod it I’ll start next Monday’…)

Strong enough to protect our boundaries in order to actually practice them.

Smart enough to give willpower a help in hand from the help of goal setting/chunking/scheduling, and contextually selfish enough to prioritize ourselves enough to carry those actions out.

& of course, being kind to ourselves whilst doing all of this.

Just like anything, there’s a code, there are laws and principles.

With health, wellness and body transformation, it’s no different.

There’s no race, it’s you Vs. you, others will have opinions on what you do, but who cares, you are designed to be fit, confident, and healthy, and lastly… this is not beyond you.

To achieve that though, we must make actions from the playbook of health and success.

Not the playbook of being a jackass and expecting something for nothing 😝

Committed to your health,

– Coach Paul