We all know the stubborn as a mule saying.

When we are told, we resist.

Even when we know what’s what.

It’s the same with health, fitness & well-being.

That, and not following the universal principles and/or limiting one’s self through limiting thinking as well as ignoring the small matter of self-ownership…

Anyhooooooo all of that lot creates a ‘can’t be arsed’ attitude and makes everything feel obligatory.

Exercise is an effort because I’m tired, the gym is busy, the weather isn’t nice blah blah blah. Obligation obligation obligation.

Excuse excuse excuse.

With that headspace, the focus is on the ‘hardship’ so to speak, the mentality of the ‘feel sorry for me’ so I can use that so I feel less crap about not showing up for myself.

It’s a vicious circle.

The key to breaking the cycle...

Ownership and perception.

What about on a different angle?

An opportunity to go and relieve some stress, strengthen your body, release feel-good endorphins, socialize, breed more energy, contribute to the purpose of your goal, I have my extremities and I’m thankful so I can do what I can do, imagine if you had your legs taken away right now, you’d give anything to be able to run on a treadmill or bang out some goblet squats.

I guarantee you this is compelling.

Because of focus, opportunity, and gratitude.

When we switch things to the nature of compelling and opportunity instead of the heel-dragging moaner, we change the energy inside of us and we create more momentum and enthusiasm.

The focal point for that?

GOALS! STANDARDS! SYSTEMS! SCHEDULING!...and the perception of feeling privileged to have state of the art exercise equipment in gyms with perfectly controlled air temperatures, food in abundance in every corner of the town/city/village, heck…it can even be delivered to your door, running water, roof, and shelter to sleep in optimal comfort.

The art of goal setting creates the urgency to spark enthusiasm and create momentum.

The art of moaning makes everything a chore.

Abundance is all around us.

When we make use of it, we grow.

What’s your biggest turnaround here?

What are your obligatory to compelling shifts?

(Mine was with sleep, I used to delay going to sleep because I wanted to watch movies/and other tv that had no meaning whatsoever…I was imbalancing my sleep quality.

Until I changed the focus, my goals of life need me energized, I have a very comfortable mattress and the ability to dictate my sleep routine…so I changed my perception from the obligation of ‘missing out on tv time to a compelling force to make me practice an effective sleep ritual. 


Because I would have better concentration, more enthusiasm, more energy, less emotionally reactive, more structured…That deffo beats watching crap I don’t care about. Now if I do watch tv in the evening, it’s capped to a time and it’s only from something I enjoy)

Different angle, different meaning, different outcome, better version of myself.

What is your best version missing right now?

Are you always tired, ill, unmotivated, lethargic, unproductive, hard on yourself and/or moody?

If so, great…because you have an awesome breakthrough to tap into 😉

Full kit w****r alert…