‘I know what to do, I just need to do it’…

A common sentence said by all.

More specifically, a common sentence said by many more regarding health fitness, and wellbeing.

Super specifically, with the ‘diet‘ and exercise.

Here’s a crucial question…

If you are somebody who isn’t making momentum and is in the camp of ‘knowing’, but not doing, why aren’t you doing it?

Where is the system error that’s not connecting the thought to the doing?

That can be an uncomfortable question to answer, because it means self-reflection, that brings resistance.

However, resistance is the thing to break out of those warm little comfort zones.

What if, what you currently know, is only a part of the process for you to achieve the results that you desire?

What if there is some information, psychologically, and physiologically, that you most know in principal to achieve your goals, but you don’t know?

What if your personal story of yourself is dealing you the actuality of lethargy, low-self-esteem and weight gain. 

What if your systems are set up for yoyo’ing and that up and down nature is effecting your confidence and your personal health, fitness and wellbeing relationship?

What if your loyal to a system of thinking and the following actions that are tripping you up?

It’s ok though, because you know what to do…

Here’s a pivotal part of your personal growth right here, the moment you (all of us), let go of the notion that we know everything, the faster we grow…

And with health and fitness, that means looking beyond the choice for ‘diets’, beyond the association to exercise only being for a certain ‘kind of person’.

What are you blocking for yourself as a result of not braking through a personal story of limitation?

‘Knowing what to do’ and not doing is a block, ‘trying’ is a block (you don’t try and pick up a pen, you do or you don’t don’t), waiting for the ‘right’ circumstances are blocks.

Although it can get played down, the process between ‘knowing’ and doing is a fundamental part of the success for anything.

That’s your way of thinking, that’s your system for overcoming challenges, learning information, setting goals, your beliefs, your motives, your why’s, your direction, momentum and consistency, self-esteem and confidence.

That’s you! That’s your outcomes, if they are supressed by repeating the same actions of procrastination, you get to feel shit… Wahoooooo.

So what if the story keeps repeating back to an action of not doing what you know you should do but you keep on saying you know what to do?

That’s a barrier, that’s a big deal for your future happiness.

As much as the systems, the strategies are crucial for successful health, fitness and wellbeing management, it’s as important if not more, to understand the systems of how we speak, understand and think towards ourselves.

Have you checked your systems?

For some reason, people are loyal to dysfunction, skipping physical movement, nourishment, good rest…

How can you be more loyal to you?

How much longer will you hold on to the system that is giving you the results you don’t want?

How much more time are you going to allow to pass you by?

If your system is blocking you from successful health, fitness, and wellbeing management, easy weight loss, energy, productivity, sustainable progress…

What has to change, is the process from good intentions to actually doing it.

That is a process of learning, that’s actually where the long term progress is, win in your mind first and you’ll easily win at transforming your health and your body.

If you genuinely know, great, do it…

If you don’t, find somebody who can help you how to do it.

Smash it.

– Coach Paul