Divided into quadrants, the Fit Peeps gym provides the perfect environment for an exclusive gym based circuit style session with a personal touch.
This is a great way to elevate accountability, motivation & support.
If you would like to cultivate and effective relationship with exercise, reach out and book into my calendar, i'll help you do just that.
Limited availability
"Hey, I'm Coach Paul, a health and wellness coach with over 10 years industry experience. My goals are to help you achieve yours. We all have our unique circumstances that make our journeys look slightly different from person to person. This is your learning and education environment where you receive support that will help you apply the universal laws and principles of successful health and fitness to your life, this is a one way street for success... and i'm here ready to be your support system".
Although you are sharing the gym with up to 3 other people, your individual requirements are still met, your goals are still the main priority and your personal support is as secure. The Fit Peeps community thrive off of support and help, so it's always nice to feel that with gym circuits.
You are carefully matched with members for the best social dynamic. Gym circuits are a great way to exercise, with other like minded people all still in an exclusive community of amazing people with privacy always high on the agenda.
In any arena of improvement, barriers and moulds are to be broken, none more so than health and fitness. A dark hole that many get consumed by, is the all or nothing approach. This is where we beat that, your sessions will naturally gain momentum with your consistency, before you know it, you are fitter, stronger, and leaner.
We will explore your goals, plan of action, training options, availability, & potential investment
"These sessions help me build and maintain the strength in my body, there are always fun elements to Paul's sessions which help support my mindfulness".
"Paul is simply addicted to his line of work with an infectious attitude that spurs clients on to achieving their fitness goals".
"I enjoy my gym circuit sessions as the variety and challenge of each exercise shows me i'm capable of doing more than I thought".
How much does this cost?
As with all of these services, it's never a cost, it's an investment.
This depends on many other factors, however, each gym circuit session breaks down to £15.
Where are the sessions?
The Fit Peeps gym located near Sainsbury's Banbury
What if i'm not as fit as the others?
What if that didn't matter? Because it doesn't. This is about you for you. You'll get the required support so that you can make the traction that you'd like.
What kind of sessions are they?
Ones that make you stronger, fitter, leaner, and resilient to some cracking puns.
The sessions are formatted in a circuit like manner that focus on strength exercises, CV and core stability... as well as a few fun surprises. Yep, I said fun.
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