Group exercise sessions are a great way to get and keep fit with session variation, a fun social dynamic, in a private room hire catered for all exercise members.
If you would like to get fit in a social, welcoming, exclusive environment, then these classes will be a great option to adopt to take your fitness to a new level.

    Limited availability

"Hey, I'm Coach Paul, a health and wellness coach with over 10 years industry experience. My goals are to help you achieve yours. We all have our unique circumstances that make our journeys look slightly different from person to person. This is your learning and education environment where you receive support that will help you apply the universal laws and principles of successful health and fitness to your life, this is a one way street for success... and i'm here ready to be your support system".

What Will you get with Group exercise coaching?

Personal Support & The ultimate Accountability

Group sessions are capped up to 10 people. The nature of these groups is to create a culture that is open inclusive and supportive. Not only do you have accountability from yourself, and the exercise coach, theres also support and accountability of your class peeps.

Fun & Variation 

The aim of these classes is to give variety so that each session is different. This isn't about turning up and being beasted, you are there for you and your best efforts will be enough, the class structure will take care of that for you. We also believe in having a laugh and leveraging the social side for friendly welcoming atmosphere.

Professional Guidance 

This isn't a class where you are left to your devices. The reason the max capacity is 10, is so that I can still support people with technique, safety. and efficiency. Effort is important, but how we expend it is even more so.

Join this amazing community of people who are making incredible change in their lives. To find out how to get started, book in with Coach Paul for a FREE strategy session and he will point you in the best direction.

This is where you gain traction and start making one way progress.

Book Your FREE Strategy Session

We will explore your goals, plan of action, training options, availability, & potential investment

The classes are tailored to the individual. He is supportive and engaging with new routines each week.


Highly recommend them! It’s great to find a class where nobody takes themselves too seriously, and there’s something to cater to all abilities.


"The classes are fun and a good way to keep accountable, it's a great bunch".



How much does this cost?

As with all of these services, it's never a cost, it's an investment, and the investment for these sessions work out to be just a tad more than a cup of coffee.

Are you worth more than a cup of coffee? 

Sessions are purchased in a minimum commitment of 4 weeks for £22 (£5.50 per sesh).

Where are the sessions?

They in the Jubilee hall Bloxham.

What if i'm not as fit as the others? 

What if that didn't matter? Because it doesn't. This is about you for you. You'll get the required support so that you can make the traction that you'd like.

What kind of sessions are they? 

Ones that make you stronger, fitter, leaner, and resilient to some cracking puns.

The sessions are formatted in a circuit like manner that focus on strength exercises, CV and core stability... as well as a few fun surprises. Yep, I said fun.

Get In Touch

07940 024 659

Your FREE Strategy Session

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