Simplistic example coming up…
Back to the days where we couldn’t have access to the world in our pockets.
You’re at the petrol station, you walk past the newspapers, you see the headline…WEEKEND OF BEAUTIFUL WEATHER…You smile, think forwards about what nice outcomes that will bring, a day out, a bbq, a trip to the beach etc, you have your nice information, walk past the newsstand and pay for your petrol.
On another day, you do the same thing, only the headline this time reads STORMS EXPECTED…You think, crap, how bad? Will this affect me? Will my wobbly fence blow over? You are more likely to buy that newspaper (bosh sale) to find out more.
A negative stroke is FAR MORE POWERFUL than a positive one, it’s human hard wiring.
Here’s the caveat…
Only if you let it.
But, subconsciously we do.
Because it’s EVERYWHERE.
Because it sells.
Let’s make this health and fitness related.
Consider the negative headline example as a metaphorical representation for commercial weight-loss, commercial diets, the ‘start on Monday mentality’, the comparison to others, the wagon mentality, the news years resolution mentality…
All outcomes of looking for fast fixes, perfectly paired with aligning hooks, that sell you ‘instant results’…
To somebody in the health and fitness industry (appropriately in the know and educated that is), ALL SCAMS and unsustainable damaging approaches….BUT, these processes’ are extremely well known and they earn thousands and thousands, millions and millions of pounds.
The main reason is because of conditioning, it’s all about how that person looks and why I’m not like that, the microwave age of expecting to be the best version of yourself after doing a few crunches, to lose 3 stone in 1 week, to skip around with motivation all of the time, weight loss weight loss weight loss (even if it’s terribly detrimental to health)…
The ‘lose the same weight 10 times approach’…
Do you have that kind of time and money to waste?
The marketing is aimed at conditioning on the vulnerability of people who aren’t educated (in this area), want to get fit and healthy and don’t know otherwise…
Honing in on that, exploiting that with a lovely little dangling carrot, makes sales easier because that is far far far easier than helping people change their behaviors because that takes time.
Just like the news, more ratings, more downloads, more hooks, more negativity…
If you allow yourself to be conditioned by the societal cookie-cutter, commercial weight-loss crap, the thing you don’t want will happen (yo-yo’ing for years until you quit on yourself).
For your genuine health and fitness success…
Here’s your winner’s checklist.
- Make goals (long, medium, and short).
- Find a genuine source for help (there are lots out there).
- Stop measuring yourself to others.
- Analyze your daily performance.
- Reflect on that and make changes.
- Stop making excuses.
- Stop blaming.
- Make a plan.
- Stick to it.
- Be patient.
- Expect to hit road bumps (they are part of the process).
- Be patient (yep that was on purpose).
- Ditch the Good Vs. Bad mentality.
- There are 86,400 seconds in a day and how you use them is critical, each second is an opportunity (so why are you waiting for three days to start? Or to get over the weekend or the New Year?)
- Lastly, DIVORCE your limiting story (You ARE NOT big-boned, you can get fit, you have time, you can lose weight, you can eat healthily (normal), you can improve your metabolism).
Everybody has the same 24 hours, or 86,400 seconds ;), some people are fit and healthy, some are not.
The only difference?
The thing that makes those choices align with genuine results will not be a ‘diet’…
It’s a lifestyle change and all of the perceptual re-positioning that comes with it, the goals, planning, motives, CHANGING YOUR STORY, patience, persistence.
If you don’t program your mind, it’ll be programmed for you.
Then everything becomes so much easier, the motivation, the willpower, the drive, the ‘being good’, the healthy weight/fat-loss, the fitness the confidence, the balance…the things you think you can’t have all happen.
It must come from a mindset shift and a lifestyle change with your whole life because everything is interlinked and it feeds off of the other.
A crappy diet on top of the limiting stories, excuses, stress with work, an interrupted circadian rhythm, lack of electrolytes, missing principles for success, is the same as sprinkling glitter onto a soggy turd…at the end of the day, it’s still crap and it won’t make a difference.
The definition of insanity is to repeatedly do the same thing and expect a different result.
I get this can feel and sound overwhelming, take my word for it, with the right approach it’s not.
You’re a human being, you can do the thing your physiology is designed to do.
It just takes time.
If you want to lose weight, make genuine results, break the yo-yo cycle, I have you covered.
Follow this link and you’ll have 2 weeks worth of proven, genuine virtual health, fitness, and well-being coaching that’ll help you become what you want to become, no gimmicks, no fads, just plain ol’ fashioned proven success.
Have a great day.
– Coach Paul 🙂