Transformation happens the moment you commit to the cause of your development across all dynamics, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Bypassing much of the crucial part of transformation and going straight for the sexy fun stuff, the stuff that ‘delivers the result'[, the ab blasting workouts, the detox, the ‘flat ab diet program’, or what many people think will deliver the result, can or will only set you back further and create more of a negative loop with your health and fitness goals…

Unless you hit it right with a wild shot, or get a decent trainer, or that’s not assuming that you haven’t done all of the correct research and understand how to efficiently manage your health and fitness to a standard that is sustainable. Truly sustainable, not perceptually sustainable through a 2d lens…

So, of course action is key…and crucial, however, the type of action, the consistency of that, the understanding of that and the learning is even more so.

Imagine wanting to put a shelf up fast?

Stick a bit of glue on, it’ll last for a few days, BANG! Until it comes crashing down.

Transform from the inside out, and all of the fun stuff, the weight, the muscle, the confidence, the energy…will happen as a by-product. Do you first.

You can do it, you are designed to do it, it’s not impossible, you’re not ‘big boned’, no you don’t have to ‘be sporty’, yes some learning will be required, you can make time, others have done it, you can do it, you’ll have achieved things in your life before where you have put your mind to it, you can do it for your health as well, only with this, a big part may be getting help to make sure the direction is the right direction.