What come first, the chicken or the egg?

Lets eggsplore that, sorry, I’ll stop yolking.

An age-old saying with different perspectives and thoughts…the title of the blog, not my cracking egg puns 😉

What comes first, confidence, belief, motives, etc, or health and fitness?

Do you just focus on the systems of exercise, healthy eating (normal eating), recovery, hydration, etc and the mindset will take care of itself?

Meh. So so.

It’s a scientific fact that the impact of self-care will have a DRAMATIC impact on your state.

What if that’s on borrowed time though?

Until a brick of life hits you in the side of the head or a limiting story, trigger or reaction plunges you into perpetual procrastination of tv programme after tv programme, junk food, fizzy drinks, late nights, skipping the exercise, and the focal point of the thing that triggered the spiral becomes more of a ‘thing’?

We do things for a reason, from motives (helpful or unhelpful) and to the tune of structure (strong or scatty).

We are also incredibly complex emotional creatures that are always seeking good feelings.

Dopamine is released from exercise, doing nice things, eating, love, watching football 😉

Our association with what is good for us short to long term is a crucial part of this dynamic.

What if the focus of those good feelings fade away from the thing that gives us energy, vitality, fitness, confidence, pride, productivity into short-term feel-goods like smoking, drinking, eating junk, and yep, more tv?

A fundamental heavyweight to personal success, IS, the factor of…


Self-control, control of your life… not by others and/or circumstances.

Control of your actions.

Everybody knows that self-care is going to be good for them…

But why do so many people not practice it? (Mindset)

How many people have ‘tried’ to do it but it ‘didn’t work out’? (Mindset)

How many people give it a bosh every new year? (Mindset)

How many people just settle and de-value their health because they feel that the process of looking after it ‘isn’t for them’, but still desire to lose weight, burn body fat, and feel better? (Mindset)

How many people still have personal challenges, professional challenges, hard days, difficult situations but still manage a successful self-care regime? Mindset)

How many people have sustainably managed it without feeling restricted? (Mindset)

(Add in all of the commercial dieting nonsense and the ‘ab buster summer slim’ challenges etc, you’ve got yourself a flawed system based on borrowed time until the willpower goes…f**k it, I’m tired of this, I don’t look like how I should look, this doesn’t work)

I’m sure you are getting the gist of the direction of this…


It’s always both!

Knowing that healthy living is going to be good for you, but yet you still remain on a leash of instability from external influences, searching for ‘quick fixes’ and allowing stories of limiting thoughts/beliefs to dictate your outcomes are as good as the latter…limiting.

So, absolutely, it’s paramount to learn and manage a healthy self-care regime for a better quality of life and to improve your skillset towards the systems of exercise, nutrition, hydration, rest/recovery, etc.

It’s just as important, if not more, to work on your personal development, the growth mindset, perceptual positioning, motives, beliefs, goal setting, troubleshooting, and performance analysis.

That’s health and fitness.

Here comes a big ol’ peachy BUT!

That HAS to be in alignment with the fundamental principles of those systems, if not, sustainability won’t be your chummy chum chum chum.

Hand. In. Hand.

Couple them together.

Understand why you are of value for yourself to put yourself top of the priority list, work on saying no to the things that don’t build you up, set the goals that create the inspiration for you to complete your tasks…and yep, the more you are consistent with your self-care systems, the better you shall feel as a result.

Mindset is everything.

The right systems are everything.

It. All. Counts.

If you know that health and fitness practice is good for you, but your actions aren’t congruent to that, that’s 100% mindset! When that changes, your results will change.

The only thing holding you back is you, not blame of whatever it is that’s getting the blame.

The quality of your health and fitness is the quality of your mindset, and your mindset can be dramatically improved from your health and fitness.

  • Motives.
  • Overcoming limiting crappy beliefs and stories.
  • Focusing on things that build you up, creating your clarity, and allowing yourself that time.
  • Setting goals (long term, medium, short term, daily).
  • Learning the principles of the systems (no ab buster this, no low carb super crazy fat burner that).
  • Planning prepping and executing.
  • Overcoming setbacks, hurdles, and sticking points.
  • MOMENTUM with all of that…

That’s your ticket.

Work on it all, with patience, with strong motives, with the whole project in the minds-eye.

Have a top-notch day.

– Coach Paul