Steps To Health, Fitness & Wellbeing Success
It's as simple as this. If it was easy, everybody would do it... Well, it's not easy, but it is simple. And the more you practice the simplicity, the easier it becomes. There's a
It's as simple as this. If it was easy, everybody would do it... Well, it's not easy, but it is simple. And the more you practice the simplicity, the easier it becomes. There's a
Someday... "I'll lose the weight". "I'll get fit". "I'll be motivated". "I'll join the gym". "I'll eat healthily". "I'll stop drinking". The list goes on Someday, represents procrastination and poor planning. Two fundamental keys to living a life at
What's your relationship like with exercise? Would you kiss, marry, or avoid it? (I'm sure the version you heard at school was a bit less censored) Is it one where you like
Or at least are you working on becoming your best version? I don't mean being just lean and mean, well, having a healthy weight management and body composition is part of
This is a very common mistake (they are what we earn from though) It’s especially common around the New Year and before the Summer Holidays. Here’s what happens... Person becomes super-motivated to change
What happens when motivation runs out? (you make some more) ...I shall approach this from a different dynamic. Motivation only runs out if you LET IT. If there's a hole in the boat,
Simplistic example coming up... Back to the days where we couldn't have access to the world in our pockets. You're at the petrol station, you walk past the newspapers, you see the
What come first, the chicken or the egg? Lets eggsplore that, sorry, I'll stop yolking. An age-old saying with different perspectives and thoughts...the title of the blog, not my cracking egg puns
It's as common as night and day, person wants to 'lose weight, person runs runs runs, diets diets diets, relapses, yoyo's repeats. Creates stories as to why 'it never works for them' and