One of the main cornerstones as to why people quit on their health and fitness regimes is down to self-belief and the quality of those beliefs.
Throw in the absence of some sound principles based around exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration etc, the absence of realistic goal setting and a support network…and you have the perfect environment to enter the ‘quit culture’.
This ultimately stops the person from making any real traction, as the lack of patience at the hands of an unsustainable approach makes things…well, unsustainable…which then closes one avenue that ‘didn’t work, and into another search for the next, or simply just trying the same thing over and over again and hoping that this time, it’ll be different.
That only works when the correct principles, appropriate goal setting techniques, and perceptual positions are the foundation.
So, the first step to ACTUALLY making long term sustainable results comes from the mental narrative of what you believe, because this then sets the tone for the appropriate level of thinking and actions to follow that suit.
And honestly, if that’s not the case, the resulting choices are most likely to be blighted with subconscious self-sabotage of actions that fuel procrastination. That, plus the systems such as any ‘diet’ or ‘ab buster’ novelty, creates a a yo-yo start stop quit culture, which further weakens people sel-relationships.
And once this can happen in one area of your life, it can manifest in others.
You are a badass and I know you have no time for that crap, so believe in yourself, do the learning, expect the smacks in the mouth, but above all else, keep moving forwards with those EFFECTIVE small daily actions that build up to make the tide turn.
To achieve, first you have to believe. It all starts with the mindset.