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Modern living is always going to evoke stress.
That’s life.
That’s normal.
A huge part of successful health and wellness is the quality of mind towards managing that stress.
So that we are still able to carry out a decent health and wellness regime.
If we don’t…
We devalue ourselves and become reactive, unhealthy versions of ourselves.
The paradox is, the ‘less time we have’, to take care of our health and wellness…the more stressed we become on top of that initial stress.
Which points towards the importance of MAKING TIME for self-care, subjective to individual context in order to maintain a decent life balance and personal happiness and control.
Lethargy, tiredness, and procrastination on top of a kick to the crotch, is a double kick to the crotch.
We must protect our boundaries to ensure that we are able to apply toward a decent health regime.
If not, the psychological and physiological symptoms of prolonged stress will eat us alive.
Our best versions are the ones that have energy, focus, confidence, self-esteem, and a level head…All outcomes of a well-practiced health regime.
One of our problems, or a better word…challenges in life… needn’t be from our own choices towards health declining behaviors.
Unforced errors so to speak.
Get fit.
Keep fit.
We get to control that.
And it will help you deal with all kinds of situations so much better than if you were not.
For that to happen though, objections have to be against allowing circumstances to dictate our health and the choices that support it, instead of objections not to practice that very thing.
You can.
Trust me you can.
You’re designed to be so.
– Coach Paul