(Click the image for the Vlog version)
One of the biggest pivotal points to success with anythig, is the application of what we know and what we don't know, who we take council in, and, how we manage self-preservation.
The fitness industry is blighted with inaccurate information, plain and simple.
Info that contradicts the laws and principles of the pre-requisites of the healthy human body.
We are complex bio-organisms that thrive like anything off of what is already invented.
Nobody gets to reinvent that.
Because we live in such luxury of convenience, the commercial world, and availability, we are exposed to health deteriorating circumstances left-right and center.
This calls for realignment and learning to serve the body for what it is.
Back to the information, knowledge thing.
Here's some BS from the inaccurate world of the culty diet culture
BS point no.1 - Exercise isn't needed to lose weight (but it does change the way the body processes nutrients that enable the vitality of our bodily systems which lead to a healthier version of you).
BS point no. 2 - Lifting weights will make you bulky and inflexible (no it won't, eating excess energy and not practicing daily exercise and soft tissue care will make you bulky and inflexible).
BS point number 3 - Sins help with portion control (Sins, don't even bring this to the table for a conversation, how can creating a bandwagon relationship with food promote good health? How can saving your 'sins' to then binge promote good health? How can that be a successful method for portion control when it serves no intention of educating on how the human body interacts with nutrients?
However, if you didn't know any better, why wouldn't you?
This is is where a change a of mindset wins the day for you as well as a higher value placed on the health of your physiology beyond the realms of weight weight weight.
Sustainability > quick fixes
Freedom, control, and choice > being scrutinized and condemned
Healthy mind and body > measuring weight as the main metric
Enter exercise to reverse the sedentary living and inactivity we find ourselves within the coming and goings (or not so much) of the modern world.
Yep, one BIG factor that contributes to the long term health of you, is your exercise regime (despite what the pyramid scheme rep from a culty diet organization says).
It's mode, frequency, time, and intensity, then on top of that, the value that you give it.
There are many modes of this even, in general though, done correctly it serves many many many benefits.
Let's go through 6 of them now.
- Ramped metabolism 1-2 days after exercise.
- it's the best form of exercise to catalyze body transformation (Muscle gain, body recomposition, and/or weight loss although that Is a bit more of a grey area, that will be for another blog/vlog)).
- Helps strengthen connective tissue and bone density.
- It can help reverse poor posture (done correctly)
- Helps give strength to the body for our more 'mature' years'.
- It also is a great way to carry conditioning and strength into other areas of fitness (for example running, having a stronger musculoskeletal system enables better posture for breathing, injury prevention, and performance).
It doesn't always have to be in the gym.
You can learn how to do it at any entry point.
It will pay off in many more ways than just the 6 listed above.
Start it, enhance it, and/or keep smashing it.
Your health depends on it.
Get it get it,
- Coach Paul