Exercise in a completely private gym, with confidence, support, and guidance with an experienced health coach.s.

If you would like to cultivate an effective healthy relationship with exercise, reach out and book into my calendar, i'll help you do just that.

    Limited availability

"Hey, I'm Coach Paul, a health and wellness coach with over 10 years industry experience. My goals are to help you achieve yours. We all have our unique circumstances that make our journeys look slightly different from person to person. This is your learning and education environment where you receive support that will help you apply the universal laws and principles of successful health and fitness to your life, this is a one way street for success... and i'm here ready to be your support system".

What Will you get with 1-1 exercise coaching?

1-1 custom support & The ultimate Accountability

No pressure, completely crafted for you and you alone. This is just you, your goals, your effort and my support. No thinking required, I have done all of that for you, just bring your effort and enthusiasm, I take care of the rest.

100% Privacy 

You are the only person in the gym (other than the coach), no queuing for equipment, no gym intimidation, no wondering how to use the equipment or if you are doing it right. This is where you can workout with confidence knowing that every step made is making traction.

Professional Guidance 

No pressure, completely crafted for you and you alone. This is just you, your goals, your effort and my support. No thinking required, I have done all of that for you, just bring your effort and enthusiasm, I take care of the rest.

Join this amazing community of people who are making incredible change in their lives. To find out how to get started with 1-1 Exercise Coaching, book in with Coach Paul for a FREE strategy session and he will point you in the best direction.

This is where you gain traction and start making one way progress.

Book Your FREE Strategy Session

We will explore your goals, plan of action, training options, availability, & potential investment

"A really fun engaging community full of great people with a really fun dynamic".


"The fun friendly approach is excellent and this helps me keep to my goals. Wished i had started years ago".


"Engaging and enjoyable, most importantly I have made consistent progress in my level of fitness, strength and tone".


How much does this cost?

This is entirely dependant on where you are ,where you want to get to, and what the personal circumstances and subject to availability. 

lastly, this doesn't cost anything, it's an investment into a stronger, fitter, healthier version of you.

When can I use the gym?

The gym is only accessible during your private coaching time.

How many sessions will I need? 

This is dependant once again on you and your individuality. 

Why can't I just buy a block of 10 or 20? 

Would you prefer to pay for time and hope you get a return? Or make an investment and guarentee a return.

The strategy call is a chance to understand each other and to create an actual strategy for people to achieve their goals instead of just charging time for one element of the jigsaw. Fit Peeps is about serving people and finding their perfect support package. it's very rare that just buying a block of sessions delivers the results people desire.

Get In Touch

07940 024 659

Your FREE Strategy Session

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